Multi-chain wallet Nest Wallet completed over US$3.6 million in financing, with participation from Orange DAO and others

2024-02-25 19:30:42BlockBeatsShare to:

BlockBeats news, on February 25, according to official news, the multi-chain wallet Nest Wallet completed more than 3.6 million US dollars in financing. Inception Capital, Orange DAO, Ascensive AssetsSnack Clube, gumi Cryptos Capital, INCE Capital, as well as YouTube co-founder Steve Chen, Twitch co-founder Founder Kevin Lin, The Sandbox co-founder Sebastien Borget and others participated in the investment. It is reported that the wallet is similar to Robinhood and has been integrated with DexScreener and Birdeye and joined the Blast ecosystem to support key and biometric signatures on mobile devices.

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Price$0.5158 USDPrice Change (24h)-0.29%Trading Volume (24h)$57,761,582.79 USD
Market Cap$1,041,289,896.33 USDCirculating Supply2,257,731,926.22 Max Supply:3,000,000,000

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