LBank Labs announces investment in well-known fund management company Sparkle Ventures

2023-06-01 14:02:02BlockBeatsShare to:

BlockBeats news, according to official news, LBank Labs announced the completion of investment in Sparkle Ventures, a well-known fund management company. GP members of the fund include Sébastien Borget, co-founder and COO of The Sandbox, Yat Siu, founder and chairman of Animoca Brands, Julien Pageaud, former head of strategic investment and technology at Nomura Digital, and former technical lead of the Tezos blockchain protocol People Thibaut Chessé. Its investments include DeFi SaaS platform, data analysis software and ZKP system, etc. It is reported that Sparkle Ventures is the sixth fund in LBank Labs FOF strategic investment, and plans to continue to expand FOF investment in the next few months to strengthen the coordination and network effect between investment portfolios.

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Price$0.5327 USDPrice Change (24h)-0.49%Trading Volume (24h)$114,607,251.08 USD
Market Cap$973,956,471.48 USDCirculating Supply2,251,731,926.22 Max Supply:3,000,000,000

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