Aperture Finance launches INTENTional campaign

2024-03-26 11:52:20BlockBeatsShare to:

According to BlockBeats, on March 26, according to official news, the intent solver network Aperture Finance has launched the INTENTional event on March 25. The Aperture tokens that will be airdropped and fully unlocked at TGE account for 7% of the total supply, of which 4.2% will be airdropped based on the points earned during the INTENTional event, and 2.8% will be airdropped based on snapshots (for UniV3 LP and UNI representatives). Users need a referral link to join the event, and a group of selected OGs will spread the initial referral link, and recommend other users to join the event to earn points. Ways to earn points include: 1. Social media following (+30 points), owning an OG character (+1000 points), or holding Renew NFTs from the Manta Renew event will earn pre-specified points; 2. Various operations and transactions on Aperture's dApp will earn users an unspecified number of points; 3. Transactions such as redemption, rebalancing, and reinvestment will earn points; 4. Using, for example, setting up a periodic rebalancing strategy or limit order will also earn points.

OG Fan TokenIntro

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OG Fan TokenMarkets

Price$5.872 USDPrice Change (24h)+3.58%Trading Volume (24h)$2,479,438.11 USD
Market Cap$15,304,292.91 USDCirculating Supply4,837,543 Max Supply:--

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