Equity-based NFT FaTPass issued by FaTPay Minted Out in 6 minutes

2023-01-07 15:27:09AICoinShare to:

AICoin News According to official news, the equity-type NFT FaTPass issued by FaTPay today is Whitelist Mint, with a total of 1,000 pieces, minted out in 6 minutes. It is reported that users who hold the NFT will have a variety of rights and interests in the FaTPay ecosystem: 1. FaTPay discounts for various payment products; 2. FaTLabs investment portfolio airdrops and bounty tasks; 3. The institutions launched by FaTPay Subscription qualifications for level financial products; 4. FaTPay internal test experience qualifications for future new products. At the same time, after consideration by the team, all 170 NFTs originally reserved for FaTPay investors/partners/communities will be locked and will not be circulated in the secondary market. market to buy. (Daily Planet)

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BTC$63,706.92 USD-1.42%$28,339,508,079.48 USD$1,254,420,280,070.04 USD
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