The floor price of 7007 Genesis Pass is currently 0.1 ETH, up more than 100% in 24 hours

2024-04-13 18:14:01BlockBeatsShare to:

According to BlockBeats, on April 13, the floor price of 7007 Genesis Pass initiated by the Lab7007 community was temporarily reported at 0.1 ETH, up more than 100% in 24 hours. Earlier news, on April 9, Lab7007 announced its white paper and economic model, clearly issuing TOOT tokens, and holders of 7007 Genesis Pass can receive 6% of the total token airdrop. It is reported that Lab7007 will be the first ecological partner of IMO of Ora protocol. The IMO model will be trained and issued in Lab7007, and users can trade Inference assets in Lab7007.

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Crypto Price Information

 PricePrice Change (24h)Trading Volume (24h)Market Cap
BTC$64,072.7 USD+1.76%$26,231,742,044.41 USD$1,261,711,599,312.5 USD
ETH$3,231.12 USD-1.16%$14,955,149,215.57 USD$394,373,565,006.62 USD
GARI$0.01838 USD+22.94%$2,886,128.72 USD$5,235,565 USD
SOLX$0.1891 USD+11.53%$1,561,002.48 USD$0 USD
MLN$15.78 USD+10.97%$581,483.51 USD$21,896,691 USD

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