Aevo Lianchuang: No information about the listing price was shared with investors or insiders

2024-03-08 20:47:07BlockBeatsShare to:

BlockBeats news, on March 8, according to The Block, Aevo co-founder Julian Koh said that the trading platform prohibited employees from trading their tokens in the pre-market market. He added that the trading platform did not share any information about the listing price with investors or insiders. Aevo also offers pre-mining before the airdrop, with traders receiving larger airdrop rewards based on the size of their trading volume.

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Crypto Price Information

 PricePrice Change (24h)Trading Volume (24h)Market Cap
BTC$63,775.09 USD+0.9%$17,662,307,334.25 USD$1,255,818,079,887.46 USD
ETH$3,324.86 USD+2.03%$12,950,469,709.27 USD$405,809,804,989.19 USD
GARI$0.01838 USD+22.94%$2,886,128.72 USD$5,235,565 USD
SOLX$0.1891 USD+11.53%$1,561,002.48 USD$0 USD
MLN$15.78 USD+10.97%$581,483.51 USD$21,896,691 USD

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