The highest transaction price of Runestone OTC has reached the $1,300 range

2024-03-05 11:54:13BlockBeatsShare to:

According to BlockBeats news, on March 5, according to Whales Market data, the highest transaction price of Runestone OTC has reached the US$1,300 range. According to previous news, Ordinals developer Leonidas posted on social platforms that Runestone has mined the largest block in Bitcoin history, reaching 3.97 MB, and the next step in the airdrop process will begin soon.


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Price$68,151.11 USDPrice Change (24h)+7.44%Trading Volume (24h)$19,200,687,499.58 USD
Market Cap$1,245,015,234,880.69 USDCirculating Supply19,690,946 Max Supply:21,000,000

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