MOBOX airdrops 600 ETH to MODragon NFT holders, worth approximately US$2.1 million

2024-02-29 20:07:38BlockBeatsShare to:

According to BlockBeats news, on February 29, the Web3 gaming platform MOBOX announced that it will airdrop 600 ETH to MODragon NFT holders. The airdrop share depends on the percentage of NFT computing power value. The snapshot has been completed at 18:00 Beijing time on February 29. This airdrop is the first phase of the event, and MOBOX will release more benefits in the future to give back to the community. It is reported that MOBOX’s upcoming 3D open world Dragonverse Neo will be deployed on the Bitcoin native second-layer network Merlin Chain, and core assets such as MODragon NFT and Dragon Ball (Dragon Ball) will be applied and empowered in the game.


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Price$3,475.19 USDPrice Change (24h)+3.77%Trading Volume (24h)$14,168,230,596.52 USD
Market Cap$390,250,290,005.28 USDCirculating Supply120,228,315.02 Max Supply:--

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