Coinbase jumps to become the world's fourth largest publicly traded exchange

2024-02-29 13:50:05BlockBeatsShare to:

BlockBeats news, on February 29, according to Ming Pao, since the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced in January that it approved the listing of spot Bitcoin ETFs, the market value of Coinbase, the world’s second largest cryptocurrency trading platform, has increased. Its market value has increased this week. It exceeded US$50 billion (currently US$48.649 billion), surpassing the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX, with a market capitalization of approximately US$41.01 billion) and Deutsche Boerse. Coinbase jumps to become the world's fourth largest publicly traded exchange. According to Bloomberg data, as of December last year, among the world's major listed exchanges, Coinbase's forecast price-to-earnings ratio reached 124 times, while the Hong Kong Stock Exchange's forecast price-to-earnings ratio was 26.94 times, which is still higher than most global exchanges.


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Price$62,229.74 USDPrice Change (24h)+8.98%Trading Volume (24h)$26,676,540,122.87 USD
Market Cap$1,340,364,609,542.09 USDCirculating Supply19,731,634 Max Supply:21,000,000

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