The public beta version of Arbitrum's eco-healthy lifestyle app GoSleep has been launched for 36 hours, with more than 30,000 real users

2023-04-02 14:46:32BlockBeatsShare to:

BlockBeats news, on April 2, the newly upgraded sleep tracking and healthy life reward App GoSleep public beta version has been launched for 36 hours, with more than 30,000 real users. GoSleep equipped with a sleep AI algorithm model can provide more accurate sleep data evaluation and improvement solutions, and also provide a number of new upgrades, including interface optimization, cloud wallet service, invitation code system, furniture component house NFT, etc. GoSleep is a healthy lifestyle application based on Arbitrum, which aims to motivate players to pursue a healthy lifestyle. Through personalized sleep suggestions for sleep patterns, it helps players gradually develop healthy sleep habits. Gosleep has previously completed $2 million in financing, led by Foresight Ventures CCC Capital, Amber Group, SevenX Ventures, KuCoin Ventures and Gate Labs participated in the investment.

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