Pundi X

  • #Exchange
  • #Binance BUSD
  • 0.35477
  • $2.28M
  • $91.7MRank #332
  • 258.49M

  • Spot Markets
  • Overview
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What Is Pundi X (NPXS)?

Pundi X is a leading developer of [blockchain]-powered devices with the aim of transforming retail businesses with its blockchain-based point of sale solution. The solution allows retail merchants and consumers to conduct instantaneous in-store transactions on its blockchain.

The blockchain solution was founded in 2017 and launched its ICO in January 2018 as the world's first point-of-sale solution. Following a successful ICO, Pundi X has successfully launched retailed focused services including XPOS, XWallet and XPASS as well as the world's first blockchain phone called BOB.

The company, which has its headquarters in Singapore, has shipped its XPOS solution and devices to over 25 markets including the United States, Spain, Argentina, Korea, Australia, Colombia, Spain and Taiwan.

Who Are the Founders of Pundi X?

The Pundi X project was founded in 2017 by Zac Cheah and Pitt Huang. The pair met in an HTML5 Interest Group in 2012, and the single idea that created the startup was a way of making cryptocurrencies a part of the daily lives of everybody.

Zac Cheah currently serves as the CEO of Pundi X. Prior to his role at Pundi X, Zac was formerly the W3C Chair of the HTML5 Interest Group. Zac, a skilled programmer received his MS.c in Computing from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, abbreviated KTH, Sweden, and M.Sc in cybersecurity from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway.

Pitt Huang currently serves as the chief technical officer and chief operating officer of Pundi X. Pitt who began coding at the age of 10. In his high school, he was already building space games.

He is also an avid entrepreneur and investor. At the age of 25, he had founded and sold his first Groupon-like company to Baizhu in 2008. He has started and sold several other businesses, including a 200 person company.

What Makes Pundi X Unique?

The goal of the Pundi X project is to make cryptocurrency available to everyone. While other similar projects attempt to outperform the banking system, Pundi X looks to simplify transforming retail businesses to make this happen.

Pundi X has created a blockchain payment ecosystem with the XPOS, XPASS and the virtual XWallet. The XPOS is the world's first blockchain-powered wireless point-of-sale (POS) for cryptocurrencies.

Using the XPOS, retail merchants, as well as consumers, can easily buy, sell and transact using digital assets in physical stores. The product is designed to accept every cryptocurrency. Popular digital assets like[ Bitcoin (BTC)],[ Ethereum (ETH)] and[ Pundi X (NPXS)] are listed within the ecosystem.

The XWallet mobile app is the bridge between the regular digital asset wallets and the Pundi X payment ecosystem. Users can use the XWallet to easily manage their digital assets, make transfers, check balances, and top-up the supported cryptos in the XWallet. The virtual XPASS card is issued to every registered XWallet user.

In June 2019, Pundi X launched the Open Platform to support more blockchains. Since then, DeFi developers and projects have registered and uploaded their ERC20 tokens to the Pundi X ecosystem, increasing its use.

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