
  • #Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
  • #Exchange-based Tokens
  • #Fantom Ecosystem
  • #Options
  • #Derivatives
  • #Binance Not listed (USDT)
  • 0.019428
  • $39.99K
  • $13.67MRank #812
  • 703.73M

  • Spot Markets
  • Overview
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What Is Hegic (HEGIC)?

Hegic is an on-chain options trading protocol that is powered by hedge contracts and liquidity pools on Ethereum ([ETH]). A hedge contract is an options-like, on-chain contract that gives the holder or buyer a right to buy or sell an asset at a certain price (strike) as well as imposes an obligation on the writer or seller to buy or sell an asset at a certain time period.

These hedge contracts are non-custodial, trustless and censorship-resistant. The hedge contracts are guaranteed by the liquidity locked into them and the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) that executes the code autonomously.

Hegic introduces a mechanism that integrates a pool model for liquidity providers that want to enhance trustless options trading. This Ethereum-based platform is an options trading portal where traders are able to engage for profit, or directly participate as a liquidity provider for a share of the transaction fees. Each of the contracts is fully created, maintained and settled in a decentralized way without any involvement of third-party processors.

The HEGIC token is an [ERC-20] utility token that is used for the distribution of 100% of the settlement fees between all of the token holders. The transaction fees that are accumulated are distributed to all HEIGC holders throughout each quarter. The holders can then participate in governance by determining the rates, the settlement fee sizes, the strike price multipliers and the types of assets supported.

HEGIC token holders get a 30% discount when purchasing contracts.

Who Are the Founders of Hegic?

Hegic was founded by a pseudonymous DeFi developer and Twitter personality known as Molly Wintermute, who became active on January 28, 2020. Molly Wintermute’s tweets focus on the developments and upgrades to the Hegic platform and the statistics that highlight the daily volume records on the derivatives trading platform.

What Makes Hegic Unique?

Some of Hegic’s key features are its ETH and DAI pools.

The Hegic ETH pool is non-custodial, and the liquidity providers can earn a premium in ETH. All of the deposited ETH in this pool is used for selling ETH call options, and holders of these options can swap their DAI for ETH at the strike price after they expire. In exchange, the one who purchases the option pays a premium. This premium is distributed to liquidity providers on a pro-rata basis when the option expires within two days or up to four weeks.

The DAI pool is for DAI liquidity providers and is typically used for selling ETH put options. This pool is meant for traders that want to purchase puts where providers supply their share of DAI for writeDAI tokens.

Related Pages:

Learn more about [dHedge DAO].

Learn more about [Basic Attention Token].

Learn about ERC-20 tokens on [CMC Alexandria].

Improve your crypto knowledge with the [CoinMarketCap blog].

How Many Hegic (HEGIC) Coins Are There in Circulation?

Hegic (HEGIC) has a circulating supply of 357,703,899 tokens and a maximum supply of 3,012,009,888 HEGIC as of February 2021.

How Is the Hegic Network Secured?

The HEGIC token is an ERC-20 token. The maintenance and execution of hedge contracts do not depend on external price feeds. This is used to guarantee the security of active hedge contracts and to protect oracles from price attacks and exploits.

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